sabine thompson    übersetzungen - translations
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Translations English - German (mother tongue)

Translations German - English

Specialised subjects

If the specialised subject you're looking for is not listed here, but is similar to one of these below, please do not hesitate to contact me. A more exhaustive list of projects from these areas is shown

  • medical and medical technology , e.g. cardiology, neurology, surgery, radiology, urology, rheumatology, general medicine, eye care, sleep apnea

  • cosmetics

  • school certificates, work references, other certificates

  • general texts, correspondence


Document formats

Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, pdf, SDL Studio


Other services



Translations are calculated on the basis of words or lines in the source text for better transparency (or price per line of the target text), proofreading is subject to an hourly rate, a fixed fee applies to certifications.

Generally, you can assume a daily volume of about 2000 words (approx. 250 lines or 4-5 A4 pages). Please take this into account when planning your deadlines. A much larger text volume will result in poor quality as there will not be enough time for research, clarification of inconsistencies and/or proofreading and correction steps.

I will be happy to provide you with a quotation based on the type, scope, level of difficulty and deadline of your document. The more detailed your information, the more precise your quotation will be. A fixed offer is only possible after having seen the documents to be translated.

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